Product Documents

Dimensions of Humor

Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation

Carmen Valero-Garces, ed.

Col·lecció: English in the World Series, 5

ISBN: 978-84-370-7767-3

Matèria: filologia

Submatèries: fiologia anglogermànica

Idioma: anglès

Any ed.: 2010

Enquadernació: rústica

Format: 14 x 23 cm

Pàgines: 478 pp.

25,00 €

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This is the first edited volume dedicated specifically to exploring humor in the academic world. It is a rich collection of essays by an international array of scholars representing various theoretical perspectives and practical orientations in the disciplines of Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, and Translation, but all concerned with the interactional aspects of humor. The two main reasons behind the publication of this volume are, first, to continue the journey along the path towards full recognition of humor as a discipline worthy of research and assessment, and, second, to offer a new and integrating perspective on hu¬mor to showcase the wide range of dimensions that it offers. This book is sure to become an important reference and source of inspiration for scholars in the various subfields of Humor Studies: Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, and Translation.

Aquest és el primer volum editat dedicat específicament a l'exploració de l'humor al món acadèmic. És una rica col·lecció d'assajos escrits per una selecció internacional d'acadèmics que representen diverses perspectives teòriques i orientacions pràctiques en les disciplines de Lingüística, Literatura, Estudis Culturals i Traducció, però tots preocupats pels aspectes interactius de l'humor. Les dues raons principals que motiven la publicació d'aquest volum són, en primer lloc, continuar el camí cap al ple reconeixement de l'humor com a disciplina digna de recerca i avaluació, i, en segon lloc, oferir una nova i integradora perspectiva sobre l'humor i mostrar l'àmplia gamma de dimensions que ofereix. Aquest llibre segurament es convertirà en una important referència i font d'inspiració per als acadèmics en els diversos subcamps dels Estudis de l'Humor: Lingüística, Literatura, Estudis Culturals i Traducció.




Notes on contributors-


Editor’s introduction



1 Found in translation: crosstalk as a form of humour

Delia Chiaro

2 «A musical comedy without music»: P.G. Wodehouse’s sense of humour

Vicente López Folgado

3 A cognitive approach to humor in political cartoons

Isabel Negro Alousque

4 Comic strips in the classroom linguistically and pragmatically considered. A first description of cases

Eduardo José Varela Bravo

5 Socio-political cartoons: a reflection of cultural values

Elizabeth Woodward Smith



6 Intensification, reduction or preservation of irony? Günter Grass´s Im Krebsgang and its translation into English

Diana Coromines i Calders-

7 Visual rhythm, iconicity and typography: the ways to humour in E. E. Cummings´ poetry

Teresa González Mínguez

8 How to tackle humour in literary narratives

Cristina Larkin Galiñanes

9 Igor Delgado Senior´s Epopeya Malandra: a study of parody and humor in literature

Diana Pifano



10 Humor and Arabs

Raoudha Kammoun

11 Foolery as a means to personal safety: the comic apprehension of power relations in Emile Habibi’s The Pessoptimist

Ibrahim A. El-Hussari

12 A humorous portrait of the English Culture: Julio Camba´ London

Marta Nadales Ruiz

13 Pitfalls, impossibilities and small victories in translating Australian humour: a case study on Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet and Dirt Music

Jorge Salavert



14 What´s in a title? Transposing black comedy titles for Italian viewers

Chiara Bucaria

15 The audiovisual translation of fixed expressions and idiombased puns

Margherita Dore

16 Shopping around: translating humour in audiovisual and multimedia advertising

Adrián Fuentes Luque

17 Translating humour in comics for children: a Donald Duck comic strip and its Italian translation

Margherita Ippolito-

18 Roman satire and the General Theory of Verbal Humor

Heather Vincent

19 Humour in advertisement translation. With special reference to translation between Chinese and English

Cui Ying and Zhao Jing


Valero-Garcés, C. [Carmen] (2010). Dimensions of Humor. Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation. Universitat de València.

Valero-Garcés, Carmen. Dimensions of Humor. Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation. Universitat de València, 2010.

VALERO-GARCÉS, Carmen. Dimensions of Humor. Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation. Valencia: Universitat de València, 2010. ISBN 978-84-370-7767-3.

Valero-Garcés, Carmen. Dimensions of Humor. Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation. Valencia: Universitat de València; 2010. 478 p.

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