The Neglected Poetry

Maria Luisa González Biosca

Col·lecció: English in the World Series, 15

ISBN: 978-84-9134-434-6

Matèria: filologia, història

Submatèries: fiologia anglogermànica, història contemporània

Idioma: anglès

Any ed.: 2019

Enquadernació: rústica

Format: 14 x 22,5 cm

Pàgines: 300

16,00 €

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This book collects for the first time a compendium of poems written in English by brigadists, sanitary personnel and journalists that participated or were involved in the Spanish Civil War, as well as by intellectuals, writers and journalists that supported the republican cause from the outside. The anthology starts from a previous historical framework in which this poetic legacy has been contextualized, to know where, when, how and why these poems were written, and who wrote them or who were their protagonists. All these analyses have served to understand the causes of why this poetic legacy has been denied and has not received the recognition it deserves today.

Aquest llibre recull per primera vegada un compendi de poemes escrits en anglès per brigadistes, personal sanitari i periodistes que van participar o van estar involucrats en la Guerra Civil espanyola, així com per intel·lectuals, escriptors i periodistes que van donar suport a la causa republicana des de l'exterior. L'antologia parteix d'un marc històric anterior en el qual s'ha contextualitzat aquest llegat poètic, per a saber on, quan, com i per què es van escriure aquests poemes, i qui els van escriure o qui en van ser els protagonistes. Totes aquestes anàlisis han servit per a comprendre per què aquest llegat poètic ha sigut negat i no ha rebut el reconeixement que hui mereix.









1 First Clues

1.1. The Beginning

1.2. Development of the Research

1.3. Selection of the Poets from the XV International Brigade

1.4. Selection of the Retrospective Poets

1.5. Selection of the Poets who supported the Spanish Republic from Abroad

2 The Intervention of the International Brigades: The Answer to a False Agreement of Non-Intervention

2.1. The World-Wide Political Scenario

2.2. The Diplomatic Trench

2.3. Let Who is Free of Sin Throw the First Stone

2.4. The International Brigades Stand Up for the Spanish Republic: The Answer to a Farce

2.5. Knowing the XV Brigade: Who were they?

2.6. After the Battle: The Withdrawal of the Volunteers

3 A Sea of Papers: The International Press in The Spanish War

3.1. The War Correspondents

3.2. The Press of the International Brigades in English

4 Literary Influences

4.1. The Impact of the First World War Poetry on the Brigadists

4.2. Influence of Imagism and Aesthetic Currents of the Early Decades of the 20th Century

4.3. Overview of some Canonical Poets’ Influence on this Poetic Legacy

5 Anthology and Stylistic Analysis

5.1. Corpus of the Brigadist Group and Stylistic Analyses

5.2. Corpus of the Retrospective Group and Stylistic Analyses

5.3. Corpus of the Abroad Group and Stylistic Analyses

6 Conclusion

7 Bibliography

7.1. Cited and Complementary Readings

7.2. Literary Webpages

7.3. Libraries and Newspaper Archives

7.4. Photographic Archives

7.5. Miscellaneous

Annex: Biographical Notes on the Poets and Information about the Publication Dates of the Poems

Brigadist group

Retrospective group

Abroad group


González Biosca, M. L. [Maria Luisa] (2019). The Neglected Poetry. Universitat de València.

González Biosca, Maria Luisa. The Neglected Poetry. Universitat de València, 2019.

GONZÁLEZ BIOSCA, Maria Luisa. The Neglected Poetry. Valencia: Universitat de València, 2019. ISBN 978-84-9134-434-6.

González Biosca, Maria Luisa. The Neglected Poetry. Valencia: Universitat de València; 2019. 300 p.

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