This book aims to explore the contribution that Moroccan Arabic and the cultural code associated with this language makes to the theoretical discourse on politeness. It focuses on the way in which significant speech acts such as expressing gratitude, invitations and compliments are managed. The specific treatment of these speech acts shows a particular viewpoint on how human beings are involved in the act of communicating. In this context, politeness is revealed to be more than a mere strategy for «saving face» in social interactions. Politeness is a strategy to preserve community values and to construct personal identities related to these values. What may seem to be a deviant and odd practice of politeness from a Western perspective turns out to have a deeper conceptual and cultural justification
L'objectiu d'aquest llibre és explorar la contribució de l'àrab marroquí i del codi cultural associat amb aquesta llengua al discurs teòric sobre la cortesia. Se centra en la manera en el qual es manegen els actes de parla significatius com l'expressió de gratitud, les invitacions i els compliments. La cortesia es revela com una estratègia per a preservar els valors de la comunitat i per a construir les identitats personals relacionades amb aquests valors.
Prologue, by Carlos Hernández and Antonia Sánchez
1. Introduction
2. A sociolinguistic profile of Morocco
3. An overview on English-based theories in cross-cultural communication and politeness
3.1. Cross-cultural communication
3.2. Politeness as a universal variable in cross-cultural communication
4. The politeness/impoliteness divide: thanks/apology, invitation and compliments in Moroccan Arabic.
4.1. Thanks/apology: The phenomenon of extrapolation of “sorry” in Moroccan Arabic
4.1.1. English and Moroccan Arabic parallel speech functions of ‘thanks’ and ‘sorry’
4.1.2. The extrapolation of “smahli”/“sorry” in Moroccan Arabic
4.1.3. “Shukran” + “smahli” and the “added” constraint
4.1.4. The “hearer’s apology”
4.2. Invitations: Imposition/swearing as a politeness strategy
4.2.1. Research on invitations
4.2.2. The cultural contextualization of invitations
4.2.3. Invitation in Moroccan Arabic
4.2.4. Conversational swearing: the pragmatic strategy par-excellence to validate invitations
4.2.5. The sociocultural aspects of invitation in Moroccan Arabic -
4.2.6. Invitation refusal
4.3. Compliments and belief constraints in Moroccan Arabic
4.3.1. Research on compliments
4.3.2. Compliments in Moroccan Arabic and the phenomenon of belief in the evil eye
4.3.3. Status, gender and age as social factors in Moroccan Arabic complimenting behaviour
4.3.4. Compliment responses
5. Concluding remarks: Belief as a politeness marker in Moroccan Arabic
6. References