Phrasal Verbs through the Lens of Cognitive Linguistics

A Study of Adverbial Particles in British and American Varieties through TV Crime Series

Andreea Rosca

Col·lecció: Iulma Monographs, 5

ISBN: 978-84-9133-412-5

Matèria: filologia

Submatèries: fiologia anglogermànica

Idioma: anglès

Any ed.: 2021

Enquadernació: rústica

Format: 15 x 23 cm

Pàgines: 148

12,00 €

Disponible en accés obert:



This book has three main aims: (I) to determine the usefulness of English phrasal verbs for L2 learners based on their frequency of occurrence; (II) to offer a comparative exploration of the most common phrasal verbs between spoken American and British English across the subgenre of television crime dramas, and (III) to show the crucial role that adverbial particles play in decoding the meaning of phrasal verbs.

Des de la perspectiva de la lingüística cognitiva, s’aborda l’estudi dels verbs compostos amb tres objectius principals: 1) determinar la utilitat dels verbs compostos per als estudiants d’anglès com a llengua estrangera en funció de la freqüència d’ús; 2) oferir una exploració comparativa dels verbs compostos més comuns entre l’anglès parlat americà i el britànic, a partir del subgènere de les sèries policíaques, i 3) mostrar el paper cabdal que tenen les partícules adverbials en la descodificació del significat dels verbs compostos.






Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Construals in Cognitive Linguistics

1. Construals

2. Image-schemas

3. Phrasal verbs in Cognitive Linguistics

3.1. The semantics of up and down

3.2. The semantics of out, in, and into

3.3. The semantics of on and off

3.4. The semantics of over and through

Chapter 3. Methodology and data gathering

Chapter 4. Analyzing phrasal verbs

1. Overall frequency and discussion

2. Up: Moving higher

2.1. Frequency results of up

2.2. Semantic extensions of up

3. Down: Moving lower

3.1. Frequency results of down

3.2. Semantic extensions of down

4. Dichotomic pairs: up vs. down

5. Out: leaving a container

5.1. Frequency results of out

5.2. Semantics extensions of out

6. In and Into: entering a container

6.1. Frequency results of in

6.2. Semantic extensions of in.

6.3. Frequency results of into

6.4. Semantic extensions of into

7. Dichotomic pairs: out vs. in and into

8. Off: separation

8.1. Frequency results of off

8.2. Semantic extensions of off

9. On: contact

9.1. Frequency results of on.

9.2. Semantic extensions of on

10. Dichotomic pairs: off vs. on

11. Over: higher than

11.1. Frequency results of over

11.2. Semantic extensions of over

12. Through: crossing a container

12.1. Frequency results of through

12.2. Semantic extensions of through

Chapter 5. Concluding remarks



Rosca, A. [Andreea] (2021). Phrasal Verbs through the Lens of Cognitive Linguistics. A Study of Adverbial Particles in British and American Varieties through TV Crime Series. Universitat de València.

Rosca, Andreea. Phrasal Verbs through the Lens of Cognitive Linguistics. A Study of Adverbial Particles in British and American Varieties through TV Crime Series. Universitat de València, 2021.

ROSCA, Andreea. Phrasal Verbs through the Lens of Cognitive Linguistics. A Study of Adverbial Particles in British and American Varieties through TV Crime Series. Valencia: Universitat de València, 2021. ISBN 978-84-9133-412-5.

Rosca, Andreea. Phrasal Verbs through the Lens of Cognitive Linguistics. A Study of Adverbial Particles in British and American Varieties through TV Crime Series. Valencia: Universitat de València; 2021. 148 p.

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