In Memoriam Maria Rosa Miracle. Limnologist

Eduardo Vicente Pedrós, coord.

ISBN: 978-84-9133-488-0

Matèria: ciències

Idioma: anglès

Any ed.: 2022

Enquadernació: rústica

Format: 19,2 x 25,8 cm

Pàgines: 790

25,00 €

Disponible en accés obert:



Collective volume that brings together 42 contributions dedicated to Maria Rosa Miracle, who passed away on May 28, 2017 in Valencia, at the age of 72, when she was still active as professor emeritus at the Universitat de València. During her nearly five decades of research and teaching, she became a globally influential limnologist, as her lines of research paved the way for new interdisciplinary topics, some of which are discussed in this tribute book.

Shortly after her death, the Iberian Association of Limnology dedicated a special issue of its journal 'Limnetica' to her, to which she was always linked as author, reviewer or editor. Former students, colleagues and collaborators sign the texts of this volume, most of which had already been published in the journal. They seek answers to some of the puzzling limnological questions posed by Maria Rosa and take up some of the unfinished studies of her last months of research activity, in which she left a wealth of research data that may be published in the near future following her ideas and guidelines.

Volum col·lectiu que recull 42 aportacions dedicades Maria Rosa Miracle, que va morir el 28 de maig de 2017 a València, a l’edat de 72 anys, quan encara estava en actiu com a professora emèrita de la Universitat de València. Durant les gairebé cinc dècades que es va dedicar a la recerca i la docència, es va convertir en una limnòloga de gran influència a nivell mundial, ja que les seues línies de recerca en limnologia van obrir el camí a nous temes interdisciplinaris, alguns dels quals són tractats en aquest llibre homenatge.

Poc després del seu traspàs, l’Asociación Ibérica de Limnología li va dedicar un número especial de la seua revista ‘Limnetica’, a la qual sempre va estar vinculada com a autora, revisora o editora. Antics alumnes, col·legues i col·laboradors signen els textos d’aquest volum –la major part dels quals ja s’havien publicat en la revista–, en què es busquen respostes a algunes de les desconcertants qüestions limnològiques plantejades per Maria Rosa i es reprenen alguns dels estudis inacabats dels seus últims mesos d’activitat investigadora, de la qual resta un cúmul de dades d'investigació que tal vegada es publiquen en un futur pròxim seguint les seues idees i directrius.



Claudia Ricci, Ramesh D. Gulati, Ramesh C. Dalela, Singaraju S.S. Sarma, Eduardo Vicente & Antonio Camacho.

A tribute to María Rosa Miracle. 

  • Meromictic lakes, phytoplankton ecology

Sendra, M. D., M. R. Miracle, E. Vicente, A. Picazo and A. Camacho.

Temporal succession, spatial dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton in the meromictic Laguna de la Cruz: the role of stratification patterns 

  • Meromictic lakes, methanogenic bacteria consortia

Amelia-Elena Rotaru, Nicole R. Posth, Carolin R. Löscher, Maria R. Miracle, Eduardo Vicente, Raymond P. Cox, Jennifer Thompson, Simon W. Poulton and Bo Thamdrup

Interspecies interactions mediated by conductive minerals in the sediments of the Iron rich Meromictic Lake La Cruz, Spain 

Genoveva F. Esteban, Ken J. Clarke, Eduardo Vicente, Miracle M. R. and Bland J. Finlay

The ‘unseen’ microbial diversity of a Spanish solution lake: ecological and other implications 

  • Cianobateria, algae and drinking water quality

István Grigorszky, Keve Tihamér Kiss, László József Szabó, György Dévai1, Sándor Alex Nagy, Imre Somlyai1, Csaba Berta, Marija Gligora-Udovič, Gábor Borics, Gabriella Pór, Yaqoob Majd Muwafaq, Arber Hajredini, Uyanga Tumurtogoo and Éva Ács

Drivers of the Ceratium hirundinella and Microcystis aeruginosa coexistence in a drinking water reservoir 

  • Phytoplankton, biogeography and taxonomy

Zsuzsa Trábert, Krisztina Buczkó, Gábor Borics, Marija Gligora Udovič, Balasubramanian Karthick, Luc Ector, Angéla Földi, Keve T. Kiss and Éva Ács

Biogeography and morphology of a poorly known diatom Dorofeyukea rostellata (Hustedt) Kulikovskiy & Kociolek 

María Dolores Sendra, Viviane Moschini-Carlos, Marcelo L. M. Pompêo, Xavier Soria, Juan Miguel Soria and Eduardo Vicente

Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans in reservoirs at the Ebro watershed, Spain, and Sao Paulo state, Brazil 

  • Zooplankton – phytoplankton relationships

João Vitor Fonseca da Silva, Matheus Tenório Baumgartner, Maria Rosa Miracle, Juliana Déo Dias, Luzia Cleide Rodrigues and Claudia Costa Bonecker

Can zooplankton grazing affect the functional features of phytoplankton in subtropical shallow lakes?

– Experiment in situ in the south of Brazil 

Rafael Morales-Baquero, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez, Pedro Sánchez- Castillo, Manuel Villar-Argaiz and José María Conde-Porcuna

Zooplankton advective losses may affect chlorophyll-a concentrations in fishless high-mountain lakes 

Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, María Rosa Miracle, Antonio Camacho, Javier Armengol and Eduard Vicente

Limited importance of primary production in the deep chlorophyll layer for macro-zooplankton in an oligotrophic karst lake: A whole lake 15N experiment 

  • Zooplankton ecology

Manuel Serra, Eduardo M. García-Roger, Raquel Ortells and María José Carmona

Cyclically parthenogenetic rotifers and the theories of population and evolutionary ecology 

Henri J. Dumont

Zooplankton vertical migration in two Sahara lakes with contrasting biotic environments 

Maria Sahuquillo and Maria Rosa Miracle

Rotifer communities in Mediterranean ponds in eastern Iberian Peninsula: abiotic and biotic factors defining pond types 

Fabio Stoch, Daria Vagaggini and Fiorenza Gabriella Margaritora

Macroecological and spatial patterns in the distribution of cladocerans in Alpine lakes 

Santiago Cabrera, Jordi Compte, Stéphanie Gascón, Dani Boix, David Cunillera-Montcusí, Lucas Barrero and Xavier D. Quintana

How do zooplankton respond to coastal wetland restoration? The case of newly created salt marsh lagoons in La Pletera (NE Catalonia) 

S. Nandini and S.S.S. Sarma

Reproductive strategies of Moina (Cladocera) in relation to their habitat 

Robert L. Wallace and Elizabeth J. Walsh

Evidence does not support the conclusion that Hexarthra intermedia (Rotifera, Monogononta,

Flosculariaceae) causes mortality in Bosmina longirostris (Cladocera, Diplostraca, Branchiopoda) 

Terry W. Snell, Rachel K. Johnston and Brande L. Jones

Hypoxia extends lifespan of Brachionus manjavacas (Rotifera) 

  • Zooplankton distribution, diversity and taxonomy

Federico Marrone, Giuseppe Alfonso, Fabio Stoch, Valentina Pieri, Miguel Alonso, Michalis Dretakis and Luigi Naselli-Flores

An account on the non-malacostracan crustacean fauna from the inland waters of Crete, Greece, with the synonymization of Arctodiaptomus piliger Brehm, 1955 with Arctodiaptomus alpinus (Imhof, 1885) 

Karime de Araujo Paina and Maria da Graça Gama Melão

Zooplankton community structure from tropical temporary ponds during a flood period 

Nancy Fabiola Mercado-Salas and Eduardo Suárez-Morales

On the taxonomic status of some South American Eucyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Eucyclopinae) 

Victor R. Alekseev, Maria R. Miracle, Maria Sahuquillo and Eduardo Vicente

Redescription of Acanthocyclops vernalis (Fischer, 1853) and Acanthocyclops robustus (Sars, 1863) from neotypes, with special reference to their distinction from Acanthocyclops americanus (Marsh, 1892) and its invasion of Eurasia 

Artem Y. Sinev, Yangliang Gu and Bo-Ping Han

Winter-Spring fauna of Cladocera of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China 

Muñoz-Colmenares, M. E., E. Vicente, J. M. Soria and M. R. Miracle

Zooplankton changes at six reservoirs in the Ebro watershed, Spain 

Maria Rosa Miracle, Guillermo Ramón and Gabriel Moyà


Vicente Pedrós, E. [Eduardo ] (coord.) (2022). In Memoriam Maria Rosa Miracle. Limnologist. Universitat de València.

Vicente Pedrós, Eduardo (coord.). In Memoriam Maria Rosa Miracle. Limnologist. Universitat de València, 2022.

VICENTE PEDRÓS, Eduardo (coord.). In Memoriam Maria Rosa Miracle. Limnologist. Valencia: Universitat de València, 2022. ISBN 978-84-9133-488-0.

Vicente Pedrós, Eduardo (coord.). In Memoriam Maria Rosa Miracle. Limnologist. Valencia: Universitat de València; 2022. 790 p.

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