Feeding the Future

Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation

M. Mar Rivas Carmona, M. Ángeles Ruiz Romero

Col·lecció: English in the World Series, 18

ISBN: 978-84-9134-744-6

Matèria: filologia

Submatèries: fiologia anglogermànica

Idioma: anglès

Any ed.: 2021

Enquadernació: rústica

Format: 14 x 22,5 cm

Pàgines: 254

15,00 €

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The agri-food sector encompasses an extremely wide range of activities regarding the entire value chain of a product and generates a huge volume of work for translators. Nevertheless, the sheer proportion has yet to be truly reflected in academic studies and research. This work intends to shed light on the vague, and barely addressed until now, delimitation of the area of activity of the multifaceted and versatile agri-food translator. Through a text typologisation of genres and subgenres, within the margins of hybridity, specialisation and register, this work approaches the characteristics of scientific-technical, medical-health, legal-administrative, humanistic-literary, tourist, advertising and gastronomic and culinary agri-food texts, and assesses the skills required from their translator.

El sector agroalimentari abasta un amplíssim ventall d’activitats relatives a tota la cadena de valor d’un producte que generen un enorme volum de traduccions; tanmateix, les investigacions i els estudis acadèmics a penes s’han ocupat d’aquesta especialitat fins ara. Aquest treball pretén llançar llum sobre la poca delimitació de l’àmbit d’activitat del polifacètic i versàtil traductor agroalimentari i, a través d’una tipologia textual de gèneres i subgèneres, dins dels marges de la hibridesa, l’especialització i el registre, fer una aproximació a les característiques dels textos cientificotècnics, medicosanitaris, juridicoadministratius, humanisticoliteraris, turístics, publicitaris i gastronòmics i culinaris agroalimentaris, i avaluar les competències que n’exigeix la traducció.





1 Current context of agri-food

1. The image of Spanish agri-gastronomic culture abroad

2. The enhancement of Spain’s gastronomy

3. Agri-food and translation in the academic field

2 Textual typologisation of the field of agri-food

1. Genre and text types

1.1 Review of the main text typology models

1.2 Importance and usefulness of a textual classification in translation

2. Typologies in translation

3. Linguistic characterisation of agri-food texts

3 The world of agri-food: text types.

1. Texts as a vehicle of knowledge: agri-scientific and agri-technical texts

1.1 General characteristics of scientific-technical texts

1.2 Text typology of scientific-technical texts

1.3 A specialised text of scientific knowledge

1.4 A technical text for practical use

1.5 Assessment of the skills required

2. Texts as a vehicle of health information: agri-medical and agrihealth texts

2.1 General characteristics of scientific-technical texts

2.2 Text typology of medical-health texts

2.3 A semi-specialised informative text

2.4 Assessment of the skills required

3. Texts with a legal purpose: agri-legal and agri-administrative texts

3.1 General characteristics of legal-administrative texts

3.2 Text typology of legal-administrative texts

3.3 A specialised regulatory text

3.4 An administrative-economic agribusiness text.

3.5 Assessment of the skills required

4. Texts with an expressive value: agri-literary texts

4.1 General characteristics of literary texts

4.2 Text typology of literary texts

4.3 A culinary literary text in prose

4.4 Poetic praise for good gastronomy

4.5 Assessment of the skills required

5. Texts that promote a destination: agri-tourist texts

5.1 General characteristics of tourist texts

5.2 Text typology of tourist texts

5.3 An inviting tourist leaflet

5.4 Assessment of the skills required

6. Texts that promote a product: agri-advertising texts

6.1 General characteristics of advertising texts

6.2 Text typology of advertising texts

6.3 An ‘innocent’ advertising campaign

6.4 A ‘naughty’ advertising campaign

6.5 Assessment of the skills required

7. Tasty texts that feed: agri-gastronomic and agri-culinary texts

7.1 General characteristics of gastronomic and culinary texts

7.2 Text typology of gastronomic-culinary texts

7.3 An audiovisual television cooking programme

7.4 A traditional recipe in an online book

7.5 Assessment of the skills required

Concluding remarks



Ruiz Romero, M. d. [María de los Ángeles] (2021). Feeding the Future. Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation. Universitat de València.

Ruiz Romero, María de los Ángeles. Feeding the Future. Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation. Universitat de València, 2021.

RUIZ ROMERO, María de los Ángeles. Feeding the Future. Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation. Valencia: Universitat de València, 2021. ISBN 978-84-9134-744-6.

Ruiz Romero, María de los Ángeles. Feeding the Future. Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation. Valencia: Universitat de València; 2021. 254 p.

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