This volume delves into the discursive construction of three closely linked linguistic functions: evaluation, emotion, and persuasion in order to explore how they may intertwine. The discourse genres examined comprise business pitches, political debates, media discourse, fiction, social networks, etc., either in English or Spanish. The editors bring together a miscellanea of papers written by scholars from different Spanish universities and with different research backgrounds to deal with diverse topics under the general premise that an evaluative process underlies every persuasive act and that persuasion is commonly achieved by emotive discourse.
Aquest volum aprofundeix en la construcció discursiva de tres funcions lingüístiques estretament vinculades: l'avaluació, l'emoció i la persuasió per a explorar com poden entrellaçar-se. Els gèneres discursius examinats inclouen discursos de negocis, debats polítics, discursos mediàtics, ficció, xarxes socials, etc., ja siga en anglès o en espanyol. Els editors reuneixen una miscel·lània de treballs escrits per acadèmics de diferents universitats espanyoles i amb diferents antecedents de recerca per a tractar diversos temes sota la premissa general que tot acte persuasiu es basa en un procés avaluatiu i que la persuasió s'aconsegueix comunament mitjançant un discurs emotiu.
Notes on Contributors
Exploring Evaluative, Emotive and Persuasive Strategies in Discourse: Introductory Remarks
Antonio García-Gómez & Mercedes Díez-Prados
1 Comparing Engagement in Non-fictional Texts: An English-Spanish Contrastive Study of Argumentative and Expository Texts from a Parallel Corpus
Marta Carretero
2 With Two Colours: Multimodal Persuasion in Sociopolitical Posters
Silvia Molina-Plaza
3 Sentimiento atlético: Persuasion and Emotion at Play
María José García-Vizcaíno
4 When It Takes Two to Scare One: Managing Fear Appeals in Triadic Dialogues in Health Care Settings
Bruno Echauri Galván
5 Delving into the Psychotic Mind of Norma(n) Bates: Evaluation and the Authorial Voice in Narrative Fiction
Joaquín Primo-Pacheco
6 Romantic Homosexual Male Construction of Identity in Love Song Lyrics
Ionut Alecsandru
7 Linguistic Choices in Persuasive Discourse: Preliminary Analysis of Self-reference, Positive Polarity and Sentence Construction
Rosa Muñoz Luna
8 Digital Storytelling and the Art of the Emotional Appeal: the Case of Despite My Fears
Isabel Alonso-Belmonte