Resultados de búsqueda para 'arte en las alam'
Windows on the World: Media Discourse in English
19,00 € -
Speaking in Tongues: Language Across Contexts and Users
20,00 € -
English as a GloCalization Phenomenon. Observations from a Linguistic Microcosm
18,00 € -
Dimensions of Humor
25,00 € -
This Book Will Change Your Life!
15,00 € -
Reflexiones sobre la traducción audiovisual
15,00 € -
The Multimodal Analysis of Television Commercials
15,00 € -
Appraising Digital Storytelling across Educational Contexts
15,00 € -
New Insights into Gendered Discursive Practices: Language, Gender and Identity Construction
16,00 € -
The Politeness/Impoliteness Divide
14,50 € -
El espejismo del producto
17,50 € -
Exploring evaluative, emotive and persuasive strategies in discourse
15,00 €